Monday, March 11, 2013

Leaving Google, Joining Refugees United.

Above: Setup of my working desktop and laptop at Google Ireland.

After  4 years it’s time for me to leave the Google Inc. Yes - why not? I'm either very brave or very stupid! Only time will tell :). It’s been an honour to work for such a fantastic organisation which is very close to my heart. I’ve got to work on some great projects from SMS search  to Ad spam, traveled to wonderful cities like Addis Ababa and Zurich and worked with awesome bunch of very different and smart young people from all over the world.

I won’t go into my reasons for leaving other than to say that I’m super excited to be starting work at Refugees United  next month! The name of the organisation just speaks for itself and our goal - "Empower refugees with a great software platform/tools to trace their missing families". Think about it as a search engine for Refugees. No better way to change the world and affect people's lives directly! Watch our short 17 mins story here and you will know what i'm talking about.  

I loved the idea/concept of the organisation from day 1 when i chatted one of the founders and i think sometimes in life you should pursue something so important that even if you fail, the world is better off with you having tried. I can’t wait to start working on their data and analytics with some new technologies and another great team. I'll be based in our Nairobi, so bye bye to rainy boring Dublin, Ireland. May the dear Lord help me with this new direction ! 

Feel free to follow me on this blog and track my escapades!

A few memory pictures from my work at Google (Ireland and Kenya) below :-

  Andre (best friend)

              Movember ( Coolest beards in office)

                 Adspam team (Dublin, Ireland)

  spam offsite


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